Thursday April 12 2001We met the Mitsubishi 4WD Club at Gailes for an Easter trip "down the Darling". We followed the dirt tracks down the Darling fiver from Bourke to Wilcannia, and camped on the Darling near Tilpa one night, and an early morning fishing session was productive for Harvey. From Wilcannia we headed to the man made Menindee Lakes, noted for the dead trees protruding from the water. National Parks provide great camping sites along the Darling near Menindee. We spent 2 days exploring Broken Hill, visiting Silverton, racing up the "Sculpture" hill for sunset, visiting the "biggest painting in Australia" (150 metres around), and going on an underground mine tour. Silverton was originally a bustling mining town in the 19th century, and is now partially restored for the tourists. "Happy Hour" was always a relaxing time at the end of a "hard" day! Sometimes we needed a kilometre between vehicles to avoid the great clouds of red dust! Whitecliffs Motel was an underground oasis in the middle of the opal fields! While we were there they were in the process of digging more rooms - it's for sale, if you're interested! We all enjoyed the showers and a good meal, plus a glass of wine - the picture below shows the whole group. Standing - Colin, Cameron and Kylie, Gil, Harvey & Judy, Jacquie, John, Lew & Joy. Seated - Chris, Kylie, Pam, Jenny, Errol, Don & Margaret. Back through to home territory again (Qld of course!). Each vehicle must stop on the grid until the next one arrives, as this is a dog proof gate. Driving along the dog fence (again!). We spent a few days in Muttawinji and Currawinja National Parks before bidding farewell to our new friends from the Mitsubishi 4WD Club, and turning south for Melbourne. |
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